Very Small Office Workstation Design by Goryainov A and Krymov M

Modern Mobile Office Design

Modern Mobile Office Design

SLEEPBOX is a piece of office workstation and resting place that was especially designed for modern metropolis landscape. It could be placed on the train stations, airports, expo centers, shopping centers, public building and any other place. Built on 3.75 square meters area, the designer purpose is provides the peoples who are not on their local residence and need a place for rest/work but they just have a tight budget. Sleepbox is a comfortable mobile space, which is equipped with automatic system of change of bed linen. Bed is soft, flexible strip of foamed polymer with the surface of the pulp tissue. Another electronic device which are equipped on this place are Phone charging, sound alerts, built-in LCD TV, Wi-Fi, sockets for a laptop and a ventilation system. Its a brilliant and great ideas for urban living.

Modern Mobile Office Design

Modern Mobile Office Design

Modern Mobile Office Design

Modern Mobile Office Design

Very Small Office Workstation Design by Goryainov A and Krymov M
Design by Goryainov A and Krymov M

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